Psychoeducation is a fundamental step that provides both information and support to enable an individual (parent/family member) understand and cope with mental illness.

  • Disruptive and Aggressive behavior: though an inappropriate form of communication, a child who is unable to effectively communicate verbally may use behavior instead.
Unity Clinics

A Brief version of DSM-5
Abbreviated DSM-5 criteria for common diagnoses
Diagnosis Criteria/Time Symptoms
Neurodevelopmental disorders

Excerpt from DSM-5® Pocket Guide for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, | Robert J. Hilt and Abraham M. Nussbaum," Source. American Psychiatric Association 2013."

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

≥6 for ≥6 months:

Inattention: makes careless mistakes; cannot sustain attention; does not seem to listen; often does not follow through; struggles to organize tasks; dislikes mental effort; loses objects necessary for tasks; distractible; forgetful 

≥6 for ≥6 months:

Hyperactivity/impulsivity: fidgets; leaves seat; runs or climbs; unable to remain quiet; on the go as if driven by a motor; talks excessively; blurts out answers; cannot wait turn; interrupts or intrudes without thinking.

Intellectual disability

Beginning in early childhood:

Deficits in intellectual functions confirmed by standardized intelligence testing; deficits in adaptive functioning

Autism spectrum disorder

Beginning in early childhood:

Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity; deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors; deficits in developing and maintaining relationships 

Stereotyped or repetitive speech, motor movements, or use of objects; excessive adherence to routines or excessive resistance to change; restricted interests of abnormal intensity or focus; hyperreactivity or hyporeactivity to sensory input

Specific learning disorder

Beginning during childhood DESPITE interventions to reduce difficulties:

Inaccurate word reading; impaired reading comprehension; spelling difficulties; difficulties with written expression; difficulties with numbers; difficulties with mathematics."

Initial visit at Unity Clinics:

Consultation with the doctor for psychiatric evaluation. This usually lasts 90 minutes. This involves discussing concerns that prompted the visit (history of present illness- mood,psychotic, and manic symptoms, .) A detailed history also includes the following- past psychiatric history of medications, inpatient admission(s), self injurious behavior (cutting self ); and suicide attempts. Also, important is developmental history as well as history of trauma, abuse, sleep, and appetite. Other information needed are social, medical and family histories. Information about school performance will also be asked about.

  • Discussion of diagnosis and plan
  • Baseline lab tests will be ordered. This can be done at your primary doctor's office or laboratory of preference. The results will be faxed to the clinic if done elsewhere other than at Lab Corp.

Bring with you the following (as it applies to you):

  • Most recent lab results/EKG if available
  • Most recent physical exam
  • Discharge summary from the hospital
  • Individual Educational Plan (IEP) report from school
  • Physician referral letter


Lab Corp (closest to you) or Other lab of your choice

Psychological/Psychoeducational testing Referral will be done if indicated.